Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Week 4

¡Hola everyone! This week was so awesome! I can't believe how much Spanish we've learned in a month! We still have so much more to learn but we've come a long way. I love everything about being a missionary. The spirit here is amazing and I love this MTC. Everyone here is awesome. I love my district so much. We're one of the only districts that don't have any Hermanas and I'm amazed that we get anything done. Half of us are going to Viña del Mar and the other half is going to Milwaukee. Everyone has a different personality and somehow we all mesh so well together. It's awesome. And our teachers are the best. All of them are returned missionaries and they're such great teachers. One of them shared this really awesome poem/story about Christ. It was called The Day Christ Stayed Silent. It was so beautiful. Everyone should go look it up. Anyway, I can't express into words how excited I am to get to share this amazing message with real investigators. Only 13 more days and then it's for real. This gospel is true and you don't have to have a name tag to share it. I love all of you and I really appreciate all the prayers and support.

What he wrote to the family: Hola familia! I still miss and love all of you. This week was really great. Everyone in our district is so awesome. We get along so well and all of them have such strong testimonies. I'm sad that I have to say goodbye to half of them in two weeks. It's crazy though how many people here are going state side. Out of the 40 people in our zone, we're the only 4 going foreign. I'd say 60 to 70 percent of the American missionaries here are going stateside. I feel pretty lucky. Also the food here is really nutritious. Loads of vitamins and minerals. Literally. There was a rock in my frijoles lol. I forgot to take a picture but I taped it in my journal. The food actually is really good though. That's the only weird thing I've found in the food. Also, my district invented our own shuffle board game thing with the white board and the markers. We drew lines on each side of the white board with each section worth a different amount of points. Then we slide the white board marker across the bottom and try to get it to stop inside the sections to get points. We've set up some brackets and had a few tournaments lol. Also, one day at lunch when Elder Miller went to go get seconds, we put hot sauce in his nutella sandwich. He came back and took a huge bite and almost threw up lol. Anyway, that's all I can think of for now. There's only so much you can do in the MTC. I'm sure I'll have crazier stories once I get to Chile. 13 more days. Elder Christofferson comes tomorrow and I'm really excited. Me and my companion are ushers for it so there's a very high chance we get to meet him or at least shake his hand. Everything is awesome. It's so much harder than I thought but way more worth it too. I'm loving the packages except I think that's why I'm gaining weight lol but I'm not complaining. I've only gained 7 pounds. I can work that off when I get to Chile. Keep up the good work and always look for ways to help someone out. Life is a whole lot better when you forget about yourself. That's something I've definitely learned from being here. I love you all so much.

Pictures with some captions he wrote in the email:
The spirit is so strong here, it's literally blinding
Before haircut
After (just a little bit shorter than he's use to)
lol random water bottle picture
my new favorite kind of chips
Map of CCM. They're in house 48
Me lol (Still his same self)
His favorite teacher

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